Education and Outreach
To ensure the protection of New Castle County’s natural resources for future generations, NCCD staff provides a variety of educational outreach through the different formats you'll find below. Our efforts target school children, civic associations, farmers, homeowners, and legislators.

Public Events
The District exhibits at many public events where we engage all ages in activities and distribute conservation materials. These events, located all around New Castle County, are a great way for NCCD to spread conservation and showcase the work we do! Find us at some of these events:
White Clay Creek Fest
Blackbird Creek Fall Festival
University of Delaware Ag Day
New Castle County Farmer's Markets
District display at University of Delaware's Ag Day in 2019.
Educational Programs/Workshops
Non-Point Source Pollution Model
A program can be scheduled to present the Non-Point Source Pollution model where children learn about watersheds, where water goes, and how what we do to the land affects our water quality. The program usually lasts around 20-30 minutes.
Urban Agriculture Workshops
NCCD does a variety of workshops on urban agriculture topics that can be adapted for any audience. If you are interested in scheduling a workshop for your organization or want to learn more about our offerings, contact Madison Walter.
Additionally, we offer a urban farmer and community gardener training program called the New Ground Grower Series.
Learn more about it by visiting www.deuffc.org/new-ground-growers

Rick Mickowski doing a classroom program on non-point source pollution

​Charter School of Wilmington Team A won the school’s 21st straight Delaware Envirothon championship today at DNREC’s Aquatic Resources Education Center on the Delaware Bayshore near Smyrna. Left to right are team members Mukta Kantak,Tiffany Situ, Zavior Brown, Dhriti Tattari and Amber Wong. /DNREC photo
Delaware Envirothon
The Delaware Envirothon, sponsored by the Delaware Association of Conservation Districts, is used to instruct high school students in conservation methods, promote the conservation message, and highlight potential career choices to students. Teams of five students compete in different environmental challenges in the areas of:
aquatic ecology
soil/land use
air quality
public speaking
a current environmental topics (a different one each year)
For more information and program specifics, visit www.delawareenvirothon.org.
The Delaware Envirothon marked its 28th anniversary in 2023. High school students representing nine schools and one 4-H team competed for the title of 2023 Delaware Envirothon champions and to win college scholarships and prizes. The competition was held at the Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control’s Aquatic Resources Education Center on the Delaware Bayshore near Smyrna and tested students’ knowledge and practical application of various environmental topics, including this year’s current environmental topic, "Adapting to a Changing Climate.”
Congratulations to Charter School of Wilmington Team A on winning First Place in the 2023 Delaware Envirothon!
The official results for the state competition are as follows:
First place: Charter School of Wilmington Team A
Second place: Newark Charter High School Thneed for Speed
Third place: Odessa High School FFA Team
Fourth place: Peach Blossom 4-H/Lake Forest FFA
Fifth place: Polytech High School Dirt Diggers
Sixth place: Odessa High School The Under Ducks
Seventh place: Calvary Christian Academy Climate Heroes
Each member of the winning team earned a $500 college scholarship from the Delaware Envirothon and the team will receive an award plaque for their school. The first-place team will represent Delaware at the 2023 National Conservation Foundation (NCF) Envirothon to be held at Mount Allison University in Tantramar (Sacksville), New Brunswick, Canada from July 23 to 29.
The 2022 Delaware Envirothon Annual Report is now available!
Conservation Poster Contest
NCCD serves as the local sponsor for the annual National Conservation Poster Contest. Students in grades K-12, from public, private, and home schools, create posters centered around a different conservation theme each year. Past themes have included:
​"May the Forest Be With You, Always"- 2024
"One Water"- 2023
"Healthy Soil, Healthy Life" - 2022
The posters are judged at the county and state levels and cash prizes are awarded to
winners in each grade category. Check below to see this past year's winners!
The NACD 2024 poster contest "May the Forest Be With You Always" is now closed. Check back in late summer 2025 for next year's contest. This contest is open to all public, private, and home-schooled students in grades K-12. You can
Click to download the Contest Rules Here.
If you have further questions, contact Bruce Macolley at (302) 365-8971, or visit the National Association of Conservation District's website.
The 2024 Poster Contest is now closed. ​

Educational Materials
The District has a variety of educational materials focused on conservation topics for children from kindergarten through 6th grade. These materials are free of cost for class room teachers, but are subject to current availability. Examples of the types of materials include:
Conservation activity booklets
Conservation coloring books
Past Stewardship Week resources can be found on the NACD's website,
In addition, the District staff is available to do presentations using the Enviroscape watershed model. Contact District staff for an update on what’s available and for more information.
Education and Outreach Photo Gallery
Congratulations to the 2023 Conservation Poster Contest Winners!
A panel of judges from DNREC reviewed the 1st place posters from each Conservation District/County to select state winners. All of the state winners came from New Castle County! The state winners receive a $50 cash award from the Delaware Association of Conservation Districts. The state winners are submitted to the National Association of Conservation Districts for national level judging. The winners will be announced in February as part of the NACD national virtual conference. All county-level winners receive a certificate and a gift card - $50 for first place, $25 for second place, and $15 for third place. Click on the photos below to see the whole image.

North Star Elementary School ** National Winner**

North Star Elementary School ** National Winner**
K- 1st Grade

Linden Hill Elementary School

Linden Hill Elementary School
2nd-3rd Grade

Crystal Run Elementary School

Crystal Run Elementary School
4th- 6th Grade

Everett Meredith Middle School

Everett Meredith Middle School
7th-9th Grade

Louis L. Redding Middle School

Louis L. Redding Middle School
7th-9th Digital Posters

Brandywine High School

Brandywine High School
10th-12th Grade

Appoquinimink High School ** National Winner**

Appoquinimink High School ** National Winner**