Native Tree Giveaway
In partnership with the Tree for Every Delawarean Initiative (TEDI), New Castle Conservation District will be giving away 500 native trees on Saturday, October 5th from 10:00am- 1:30pm at our office located at 2430 Old County Rd, Newark, DE 19702. Trees will be given out on a first come, first served basis and will be limited to one tree per person. No application or sign up required. Just show up that Saturday and claim your tree! See below for additional details or contact our office with questions.
What Trees are available?
Size Available
Tree Species
Latin Name
Common Name
1 Gallon
3 Gallon
Acer rubrum
Red Maple
Betula nigra
River Birch
Liriodendron tulipfera
Tulip Poplar
Magnolia virginiana
Sweetbay Magnolia
Platanus occidentalis
American Sycamore
Quercus alba
White Oak
Quercus phellos
Willow Oak
Learn more about these tree varieties by reviewing TEDI's
Tree PIck up Instructions
The New Castle Conservation District is located at 2430 Old County Rd, Newark, DE 19702. Please enter from Old County Rd and stay inside your vehicle to form a line in front of the building. Upon pulling up to the “Tree Pickup” location, you will be able to specify to our volunteers the tree - and pot size- you would like. We kindly ask that folks come prepared with two to three options in the event that we don’t have your first choice. A volunteer will then grab your tree and hand it off for YOU to load into your own vehicle. Once you have your tree, you will drive around the outside loop of the parking lot before exiting back out to Old County Rd. Download a copy of the map and instructions by clicking here.